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Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals is the must-have reference for the most thorough, up-to-date information on nutrition and diet. New and expanded material in this Sixth Edition addresses important topics such as the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, MyPyramid, balanced menu options and recipe ideas for morning and afternoon breaks, basic principles of food presentation, meeting special dietary needs, weight management, and much more!
This new edition of Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals features:
A new, full-color interior design and full-color photographs including creative food presentations
The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the United States Department of Agriculture's MyPyramid
Chef's Tips that highlight ways to incorporate nutritional knowledge in all meals, from breakfast, appetizers, soups, and salads to entrees, side dishes, and desserts
Guidelines for cooking for such diets as low carbohydrate, high fiber, low fat, reduced saturated fat and cholesterol, low sodium, vegetarian, and gluten free
Updated material on weight management, including current statistics on the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the United States and the latest information on weight-loss drugs and surgery
The popular Nutrition Web Explorer, completely updated and expanded to help readers research specific food and nutrition-related topics
New tables displaying the amount of vitamins and minerals in selected foods
New coverage on the glycemic response and its relationship to health issues
作者: Karen Eich Drummond, Lisa M. Brefere
新功能介紹- 出版社:桂魯
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2006/01/01
- 語言:英文
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智慧型手機幾乎成為生活必備品,金車文教基金會最新調查顯示,6成5青少年的家長曾反映孩子手機使用時間過長,更有1成6青少年平均每天使用高達5小時以上。金車文教基金會今天舉行記者會,公布2018年青少年手機問卷調查報告,金車於3至4月針對國小五年級至高三生進行青少年手機抽樣問卷調查,有效樣本數為2562份,在97%信心水準下,正負抽樣誤差值為3個百分點。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }
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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 金車調查顯示,如果沒有手機,77.4%青少年會感覺不方便聯絡,56.8%會覺得很無聊;38.2%青少年手機可wifi上網,31%是上網吃到飽,65.9%青少年的家長曾反映孩子手機使用時間過長,但44.5%家長對手機管控採自由開放態度,45.4%有條件管控,10.1%則採嚴格管控。調查發現,60.4%青少年使用手機是為了閒聊,最常使用的功能以社群軟體、影音、聽音樂居多,56.7%青少年曾用手機網購,60.7%青少年的社群好友超過百人,78.5%青少年平均每天使用手機1小時以上,更有16.4%青少年平均每天使用5小時以上。金車基金會表示,智慧型手機幾乎已成為生活必備品,雖然讓生活更便利,但背後也潛藏危機,青少年可能過度依賴手機而產生「無機恐慌症」,如果經常機不離手,習慣沈迷於虛擬世界,還可能造成人際關係出現問題,社群好友多雖然可代表網路人氣,但並不代表現實生活人際關係良好。張老師基金會台北事務所總幹事涂喜敏也表示,使用手機已經是不可逆的情況,不管是休閒、學習和人際交往都跟手機與網路息息相關,針對高中以下學生,她建議父母還是要多關心孩子使用手機的情況,並適度的管控。涂喜敏指出,父母在管控過程中,要關心孩子的手機使用狀況,讓孩子表達意見並充分溝通,而不是一味禁止,否則可能造成親子衝突;如果只用外控,例如交換條件來限制孩子使用,可能等孩子上了大學後就管不動了,建議父母要從內控做起,透過溝通或鼓勵,讓孩子自發性地去學習自律或適度使用。
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